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By: Brian Egenrieder, CRO, SyncDog

The last few months have been nothing short of challenging on an individual and societal level. While we all hope that COVID-19 disappears, medical researchers are predicting a second and third wave of infection over the next two years. What does this mean for business? Of course, all industries must adhere to government guidelines surrounding physical distancing and permitted operations. In the United States, state governments are starting to lift stay at home restrictions. While it looks like “business as usual” might be on the horizon, there are numerous benefits, beyond health and wellness, that make teleworking a good permanent option. This sentiment is clearly on the minds of major business leaders, exemplified by Twitter most recently, which announces it will permanently keep its employees remote. Twitter is trailblazing the way for businesses to see that teleworking may, and even should, be the new normal. Here are some benefits of teleworking to consider for your own organization.

Unlimited Talent Pool

Human resources managers understand the woes of finding the perfect candidate for a role all too well. Even under the best economic conditions, it can be a struggle to find the right fit for the company. One reason for this trouble is the geographic limitations of offices. Most Americans are unwilling to commute more than 30 minutes, leaving you with a limited radius of job applicants. However, when teleworking is the norm, the whole world is potentially fair game for acquiring talent. This is particularly helpful for industries with skills shortages such as in cybersecurity. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter where your team lives so long as the job gets done!

Remote Onboarding Can Be Simple

With all the candidate talent that teleworking opens your organization up to, your next concern will likely be the onboarding process. Very few people have the time or patience to sit on the phone with an IT team for a whole day while setting up new software and ensuring their technology is secure. This hassle can be avoided with the right tool. For example, Secure.Systems is an encrypted, containerized application that can be remotely deployed within minutes to new employee devices with all the necessary productivity tools and integrations they need to do their job. The employees have a full suite of business tools, all your corporate information remains secure, and you don’t have to clear your schedule to consult your IT team. The icing on the cake is the fact that Secure.Systems helps meet the requirements of major government regulations like CMMC, which you can learn more about here.

Save Money on Rented Office Space

Whether your company rents or owns office space, there is merit in teleworking to remove substantial building expenses from the physical space all the way down to office supplies. The cost of rent per square foot in San Francisco, CA is estimated to be $92.70. The next time your lease renewal rolls around, consider how that capital can be repurposed within your business if you were to have your team work remotely. Maybe you could bump up your marketing spend, bring on a new hire, expand R&D, etc. Choosing to let go of owned office space is a little more challenging and time-consuming, but worth some thought when the long-term benefits of a remote team are considered.

Clearly not all jobs can be done remotely, but if your business can, you’re at an advantage during these difficult times. Changing your operations to a remote format permanently might seem like a daunting paradigm shift, but it is one that should absolutely be considered seriously.


SyncDog is the architect of Secure.Systems, a mobile trust platform ideal for mobile and remote teams. Compatible with both iOS and Android devices, Secure.System aids businesses in compliance with data regulations, such as CMMC, and bolsters employer-employee trust as all corporate data and personal data are separated on personal devices. Request a demo.